Photos: (Getty/Twitter)
When many people take to social media to complain, Ke$ha uses it to get her motivation on! Yesterday she Tweeted "yes yes yes it is" to a photo that stated, "Today is a perfect day for a perfect day".
With so much to be grateful for, we decided to brain storm ways to make Ke$ha's day even MORE perfect!
To begin, Ke$ha is a huge supporter of The Humane Society. As she traveled the states on her #Warrior tour, she sold special tickets to fans that benefited The Human Society! In a recent video the singer revealed, "Now is the time to make animal protection a priority. I care about animals, and I know you do too."
Ending bullying is yet another one of Ke$ha's favorite causes. Whether it be on social media, or her "Crazy Beautiful Life" docu-series on MTV, she is fiercely standing up and letting her Animals know that #LoveIsLouder than those mean-ass bullies at school. She even snapped a pic for the campaign herself! She has opened up about her first hand experience with bullying on season one of her docu-series. "As someone that's been bullied my entire life, I know first-hand how this type of victimization can destroy lives and relationships," said Ke$ha. "It is imperative that we empower kids to believe love and support are louder than anyone that brings us down."