The first trailer for "Grown Ups 2," a sequel to the "Expendables" of 90s comedy stars, debuted online today and wastes no time reminding us of the one scene that played in every commercial for the original.
Once everyone has been reminded of the "chocolate wasted" joke from "Grown Ups," we get to move on to the latest round of slapstick gags, including a deer (yes, a deer) peeing (yes, peeing) on Adam Sandler (you get it).
We will give credit where credit is due however. Some guys from "Saturday Night Live," including Andy Samberg, Taran Killam, and Jorma Taccone, show up as a male cheerleading squad and do their best to freak out Kevin James.
Check out the first full trailer for "Grown Ups 2" after the jump!
"Grown Ups 2" opens on July 12.
What did you think of the trailer for "Grown Ups 2"? Let us know in the comments below and on Twitter!