Photo: (Getty)
You know what you're doing tonight at 11/10c, right? MTV's Sandy relief fundraiser "Restore the Shore" will be airing, and you'll be treated to music from Gym Class Heroes.
Yesterday Gym Class Heroes, who were nominated for Best Video With A Message earlier this year, Tweeted:
We'll be performing "The Fighter" tomorrow night @11pm ET on @mtv's #RestoreTheShore telethon fundraiser. More details: bit.ly/RUxRr8
— Gym Class Heroes (@GymClassHeroes) November 14, 2012
On their website, they explain, "We'll be performing 'The Fighter' live from Times Square to help raise money for the Seaside Heights boardwalk, and also the businesses and residents in the area that were affected by Hurricane Sandy."
The special is going to be live tonight. Along with Gym Class Heroes and the cast of "Jersey Shore," you'll also be able to see cast members from "Teen Wolf," "Awkward," "Teen Mom," "The Challenge," and "The Real World." They're all going to be on the phones, giving donors big thank-yous for their help. On top of that, there will be messages of support from One Direction, Kim Kardashian, the Jonas Brothers and many others.
There's more than one way to donate. Get your thumbs out and text SHORE to 85944 and $10 will be donated to Architecture for Humanity. If you can afford to give at least $25, you'll get a super cool "Restore the Shore" song bundle, which has thirty songs from "Jersey Shore."
The theme for this is "We Can. We will. Rebuild." And isn't "The Fighter" from Gym Class Heroes a perf unofficial anthem, because it's saying we're going to stand up and be strong?