Photo: (Getty)
"Teen Mom" has shown Amber in some of her darkest moments -- being both verbally and physically abusive to others as well as being so angry at herself that she attempts suicide. After domestic violence and drug abuse charges led her to prison (she had the option to choose treatment or prison and she chose the latter), Dr. Drew sat down with Amber to see how she's doing in "Amber Behind Bars."
While Amber is still in jail, she told Dr. Drew that she's trying to improve herself and build a better future for herself and her daughter. We listed below some ways she's looking ahead in life.
+She's Focusing On Treatment
Amber is getting therapeutic help in prison including going to Narcotics Anonymous. She's talking to her little girl Leah regularly, but so far Leah hasn't visited mom yet. This is obviously hard on Amber, who doesn't know how to tell a three-year-old what's going on. Dr. Drew points out it's not so much about explaining this to someone so young as it is making a change. Amber can say a lot, but if she gets through this and becomes a better person and mom, then that's what her daughter needs.
+She's Getting Schooled
Amber has opened up to learning new things. For one, she's continuing her education by working for her GED. At the time of the interview, Amber has been in prison for four months and says she's learning self-control and self-worth. Instead of blowing up at some of the things Dr. Drew says, she answers calmly and admits that she made mistakes. Which leads us to...
+She's Learning From Her Mistakes
Amber is willing to acknowledge where she's made mistakes. Instead of blaming others, she realizes she didn't always act in the best interest of herself or her family. She is able to take criticism, and she hopes her story will help others. When Dr. Drew asks if she'd do "Teen Mom" again, she immediately says she would because she wants people to learn from her mistakes.
What did you think of the special? Do feel like Amber is changing for the best? Check out Leah's father Gary Shirley's reaction to the special and why he thinks Amber is getting better.