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The presidential debates are going to be happening before you know it (October to be exact), and each one of them is going to need a moderator. Three teenage girls have stepped up to say at least one of those moderators should be a woman, and they've gotten thousands of signatures to back them up.
Here's a fact that's going to make your jaw drop: it's been twenty years since the last time a woman moderated a presidential debate. Yup, it's been a minute. Emma Axelrod, Elena Tsemberis and Sammi Siegel, three teens from New Jersey, are saying that needs to change. They put a petition up at asking for more gender equality in the choice of moderators, and more than 120,000 people have signed so far.
And they weren't done! These teens with a mission set up a second online petition to Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, asking them to back up their plan. So far that petition's gotten more than 57,000 signatures.
The girls had some powerful words to say in their second petition: "Women and men will never be truly equal in our country until they're one and the same in positions of power and both visible in politics. There is no reason why a woman shouldn't have a chance to show what she's capable of by moderating debates in the upcoming election."
Elena summed it up by saying: "It's important for teenage girls to see women with political power."
There's still time before moderators are chosen, so let your voice be heard!