"The Bourne Legacy," which opens today, plays out parallel to the story of Jason Bourne and the first three films in the series, a unique angle for a sequel.
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When MTV News spoke with the cast and director Tony Gilroy, they helped clarify exactly how Aaron Cross fits into the world of the series.
Rachel Weisz explained that while "Legacy" exists separately from the rest of the series, it reveals some secrets we didn't know about before. "It completely does its own thing," Rachel Weisz said. "It introduces new characters, but it lifts the curtain on the first three films. It sort of says, 'If you think you know who was in charge, you were wrong. This is who is really in charge.' [You see] the men behind the curtain pulling the puppet strings."
The movies shared qualities help make the mysteries of the previous films a little more fleshed out according to Edward Norton. "It pulls right out of the tail end of the last one," he said. "It continues to widen its investigation of the subterranean world and take you into parallel corridors of it in a way that feels really real. It's very easy at the beginning of this to believe the events of those films that we've already seen are sort of now reverberating and having to be dealt with."
But the shared universe doesn't mean a cameo from Matt Damon. Gilroy was quick to dispel all of that. "Those conversations only happen in this room. There's been absolutely zero real conversation about any of that," Gilroy said. "Everything we get comes from speculation from press and from the blogosphere. We're not that organized."
Are you going to see "The Bourne Legacy" this weekend? Let us know in the comments below and on Twitter!