Darren Aronofsky's epic retelling of Noah and his ark may not be the version you're used to, but the first official still from "Noah" features a bearded Russell Crowe, looking about as biblical as we expected him to look.
USA Today has the official first look at Crowe as the legendary ship builder, who must collect two of every animal in order to save all life on Earth from the devastation of an oncoming flood.
Check out the full image after the jump!
Aronofsky has built an impressive cast for his follow-up to "Black Swan." Aside from Crowe, he's added his "Requiem for a Dream" star Jennifer Connelly, Logan Lerman, Ray Winstone as the film's villain, Anthony Hopkins as the world's oldest man, Methuselah, and young up-and-comer named Emma Watson.
The first image comes more than a year and a half before "Noah" actually reaches screens, so you'll have to wait quite a while before you get to see the entire epic.
"Noah" is scheduled to weather the storm on March 28, 2014.
What do you think of this first picture of Russell Crowe in "Noah"? Let us know in the comments below and on Twitter!