Photo: (Getty)
Effie Trinket -- er, Elizabeth Banks, wants to do something to help prevent acts of gun violence. After the recent shootings at the Aurora movie theater and the Sikh temple in Wisconsin, Elizabeth wants us to pay more attention to a little something called We Are Better Than This.
Elizabeth sent out the following Tweet:
We are better than this bit.ly/PD4Aeu control, why not? #heartbreak
— Elizabeth Banks (@ElizabethBanks) August 7, 2012
Her link sends you right on over to her site, where she has a post talking about Dan Gross from the Center to Prevent Gun Violence. Not in a reading mood? No prob -- Elizabeth's page also has a little vid of Dan on "The Colbert Report." Talking to Stephen Colbert, Dan says that he has respect for the second amendment (the "right to keep and bear arms"), but believes that universal background checks and assault weapons bans would decrease gun violence. He points out that only 60% of gun sales involve background checks, so 40% of guns could easily be bought by people with a recorded history of violence.
Dan has a petition going on at We Are Better Than This that asks Barack Obama, Mitt Romney and all elected politicians to put aside partisan politics for a moment and really talk about the gun debate.
"We are better than a nation where 32 people are murdered by guns every day," the petition reads. "In the next president's term, 48,000 more Americans will be murdered with guns unless we do something about it."
Elizabeth is obvi a big supporter of this petition. What do you think could help decrease gun violence?