A new trailer for Peter Jackson's two three-part adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's first Middle-earth book, "The Hobbit," has shown up online, but unless you're watching closely, you may not notice anything particularly new.
The preview originally appeared in front of "Brave" all the way back in June, but it has finally shown up on YouTube in an HD version.
You can check out the full trailer after the jump and read more about the differences.
TheOneRing.net posted the trailer last week, along with some brief descriptions of what is different between this trailer and the first teaser we are all now very familiar with.
The new footage includes Bilbo reacting to Gandalf's arrival at Bag End, a shot of the titular hobbit hiding behind a tree, and the company running through the woods.
The additions are not significant enough to clearly stand out, but any new footage at this point is appreciated. It has been almost eight months since the first teaser debuted in front of "The Adventures of Tintin," and with about four months until the release of the first installment, it's probably time for a proper theatrical trailer to get into the nitty-gritty of "An Unexpected Journey."
What did you think of the alternate trailer for "The Hobbit"? Let us know in the comments below and on Twitter!