Photo: (The Documentary Group, Vulcan Productions)
I first learned about the plight young women around the world face after reading Nicholas Kristof's book "Half The Sky." It opened my eyes to the harsh realities that so many women experience -- topics and that are rarely discussed in America, such as sex trafficking, sexual violence, and maternal mortality.
When CNN premiered "Girl Rising" last Sunday, they helped continue this much needed dialogue. The premise of the feature dives into how education can literally change the world for women. One of my fave quotes during the special revealed, "What exactly changes when the 600 million girls in the developing world get a good education? Everything." The film, which was directed by Academy Award nominee, Richard Robbins, tells the story of 9 young girls from 9 different countries around the world. The statistics are heartbreaking but so important to take a look at.
+ In one year, more than 150 million women suffer sexual abuse.
+ The number one cause of death for girls 15-19 is child birth.
+ Globally, 66 million girls are out of school.
+ 75% of AIDS cases in sub-Saharan-Africa are women and girls.
Now more than ever, it's so important we maintain the momentum on young girl's education. Just last weekend in Pakistan, a bus carrying female medical students was bombed by a suicide bomber. When girls are held back from education, we are holding them back from the bright future that awaits for them, and the potential positive change they can create in the world.
I hope I have persuaded you to get involved and take action! It's so easy and I recommend first educating yourself on the topic. Whether it be watching the re-run on CNN's special on June 22nd, or picking up a copy of Nick Kristof's "Half The Sky", learning more about the topic will propel you in the right direction.