"Rapture-Palooza" is a new comedy that takes a light, humorous look at the End of Days. Anna Kendrick and John Francis Daley from "Freak and Geeks" star as a couple just trying to cope with the apocalypse, and things aren't that bad until the Anti-Christ shows up.
In this exclusive clip from "Rapture-Palooza," Kendrick's character, Lindsey, has to make a tough choice. Beast (Craig Robinson) wants to take Lindsey as his bride, and if she resists, he'll kill her boyfriend and his dad (Rob Corddry).
A ton of other funny people make up the rest of the cast, including Ken Jeong, Rob Huebel, and Paul Scheer.
"Rapture-Palooza" will hit theaters and video on-demand on June 7.