"The Words" follows a struggling writer so desperate for success that he steals a story to get the fame he desires. The film made a splash this past January at Sundance, and now "The Words," starring Bradley Cooper and Zoe Saldana, is preparing for a wide release.
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In this exclusive featurette from the upcoming movie, stars Ben Barnes and Nora Arnezeder fill us in on the story behind the story in "The Words."
The story, which Cooper's character steals and claims as his own, begins as a love affair near the end of World War II, between a young man, played by Barnes, and a French woman (Arnezeder).
This romance becomes a story written by the young man, the manuscript of which eventually ends up in the hands of Cooper's character, setting the main conflict of the film into motion.
"The Words" opens in theaters on September 7. The film also stars Jeremy Irons, Olivia Wilde, and Dennis Quaid.