"The Lord of the Rings" is the next LEGO franchise to get its own video game, and if the trailer is any indication, it looks like a lot of fun.
Also, sharks attack, and Idris Elba raps in Dailies!
» Shark attacks make for some awesomely bad movie moments. [The Daily What]
» These people wear their sunglasses at night, and they look damn good doing it. [Vulture]
» Check out this behind-the-scenes footage from "Premium Rush." [Trailer Addict]
» The first trailer for the "Transporter" TV series has hit. [Collider]
» It's Idris Elba rapping. You're probably already watching this. [Vulture]
» There's some new gameplay footage from the upcoming "Star War 1313." [Super Punch]
» LEGO has given "The Lord of the Rings" its very own blocky video game. [YouTube]
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