Photo: (Getty)
Pitbull gets paired up with a lot of people. Pitbull and Jennifer Lopez, Pitbull and Enrique Iglesias, Pitbull and Bill Gates... wait, what? But it's true: the rapper and the bazillionaire are both fighting for worldwide sanitation!
First up, Pitbull:
did u know 3.6 million people die every year from a water related disease that is equal 2 the entire city of Los Angeles #h20awareness
— Pitbull (@Pitbull) August 13, 2012
Next up, Mr. Microsoft:
It's time to reinvent the #toilet so that we can meet the needs of the 2.5 billion who don't have access to one b-gat.es/NunWVg
— Bill Gates (@BillGates) August 13, 2012
Bill's website explains: "Four out of 10 people worldwide don't have a safe way to poop." Well, that's one way of putting it. If you don't have a safe, clean place to do your business in, your business can end up in your drinking water supply. Yuck! Unfortunately, this is a very real situation that many people deal with.
You don't really think of Pitbull and Bill Gates teaming up on something, but they've both pinpointed a major problem. Lots of us take water for granted, but water is a limited resource. Plus, when it's infected with, well, crap, it can make people really sick and end their lives too soon.
According to Bill, 2.5 billion people are dealing with this toilet-related problem. And each year 1.5 million kids die from bad cases of diarrhea, which is caused by all this poor sanitation. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is working to help with this problem, and Pitbull's also doing what he can to spread the word. You can come up with all sorts of puns about how this is a crappy situation...or, better yet, you can find ways to help out.