Even if Robert Pattinson is in the process of establishing the post-"Twilight" portion of his career, "Breaking Dawn – Part 2" is still a few months away, and promoting the final film in the series will mean a lot of reminiscing from the star.
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During "MTV First: Robert Pattison," the 26-year-old actor said that he has no problem getting all nostalgic about the series that made him a household name.
"It's an amazing experience," he said. "It's a huge chunk of my life, and the end of the movie, the last few scenes, kind of look back at the whole series. It's so sweet."
While he's willing to look back on the "Twilight Saga" happily, he's not quite as willing to go back. "I feel so much older now," he said. "The idea of if I had to do a sequel now, it would be like 'I'm not 17 anymore.' "
And even though it's been four years since it all began, Pattinson still can't figure out what it is that makes the series so popular. "I find it amazing, the intensity of people liking it. It's crazy," he said. "It's an elemental thing that it connected to, which I still don't understand. I hope people like it."
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