"Cosmopolis" is not an easy film to describe. You can't really talk that much about the plot, because it's not really about the story. So how will the stars of the film describe "Cosmopolis" in 10 seconds or less?
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Paul Giamatti pretty much rocked the challenge. Sarah Gadon took the easy way out going all thematic on us. David Cronenberg makes the movie sound much simpler than it actually is, but probably does the best of all of them.
You can hear from the leading man, Robert Pattinson, this Thursday during "MTV First." Pattinson will be on MTV starting at 7:49 p.m. ET to debut a never-before-seen clip from "Cosmopolis." Immediately afterward, he'll sit down with MTV News' Josh Horowitz for a 30-minute interview, where he'll answer some of your questions. All you'll have to do is tweet your questions to @MTVNews and using the hash-tag #AskRob.