It's been more than two months since Hugh Jackman tweeted the first image from "Les Miserables," and our excitement for the movie has only grown in the time since. USA Today has nine new pictures of Tom Hooper's musical adaptation, and they give us a good idea of what the various eras of the story will look like.
Needless to say, they'll look great. Hooper perfected period pieces with Oscar-winner "The King's Speech," and his appreciation for "Les Miserables'" source material comes across in these images. It's also a treat to see Hugh Jackman in many of his incarnations as leading man Jean Valjean, as well as get a sneak peek of Russell Crowe, Anne Hathaway, Amanda Seyfried, Eddie Redmayne and Samantha Barks disappearing into their roles.
In an interview with USA Today, Jackman admitted that he's wanted to do a big screen musical for a while, but felt he was too young to do "Chicago" when it was offered to him.
"'Chicago' was one I turned down, and it was probably stupid," he said. "I can't believe I got this one."
This is Russell Crowe's first big screen musical, and Hooper said that he is spot-on for the role.
"Russell has been a delight to work with and is as sharp as a whip," he said. "He has done six months of solid preparation for the movie."
Fans of "Les Miserables" should look forward to the pathos of the movie as well as its stars' singing talents. Producer Cameron Mackintosh said that one scene in particular has stuck out to him as being particularly emotional.
"One of the scenes I've seen in the rushes that just breaks my heart is Hugh finding little baby Cosette in the woods all covered in snow," he said. "It is one of the most haunting things I've seen."
"Les Miserables" is due in theaters on December 14.
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