Photo: Loving Day celebration in New York City (Willie Davis)
Rando fact of the day: In 1967, the Supreme Court unanimously legalized interracial marriage. Wait, you say, you mean it was illegal for interracial couples to get married before that? Actually, yes, it was illegal in a number of states. The court case that changed this, Loving v. Virginia, was decided on June 12, 1967, and now we celebrate Loving Day.
Loving Day is just about too perfect of a name. It's been going on for eight years now, and while you may not be able to buy Loving Day cards at the store (yet . . .), each year it promises to get bigger and better. Celebrations are going to be taking place all over the U.S. on the 12th or the days around it, with the event in New York looking like it's set to be the biggest. The event there is open to everyone and will have free barbecue and performances by NYC DJs Dhundee and DJ T-Mic. 'Course, even if you don't live in New York, it doesn't mean there might not be an event in your neighborhood!
Talk about Loving Day seems like especially good timing now, with all the recent buzz about same-sex marriage and marriage equality. Remember when President Obama recently came out in support of same-sex marriage the other week? I know, how could you forget?! When the prez's parents got married, interracial marriage was illegal in 22 states. Seriously. Cray, right? These days, according to a Pew Research Center Study, one in every seven new marriages involves an interracial couple. So come on, er'body -- spread the love! <3