Photo: (StayClassy)
It seems like only yesterday we were urging you to keep your round up your classiest class acts for the 2011 CLASSY Awards. Well, friends, 2012 is here, and it just keeps getting classier ..., the website that helps nonprofits come up with easy online fundraising solutions, is kicking off its 4th Annual CLASSY Awards season by calling for nominations in 16 categories. Categories like:
+Most Influential College Student or Organization
+Animal Advocacy and Services
+Educational Advancement
+Environmental Protection
+Human Rights
... among others.
A CLASSY trophy is more than a notation on the ol' social entrepreneur resume; it's a sign of big things to come. Past winners include Alex's Lemonade Stand for Most Creative Fundraiser by a Charity and Invisible Children for Most Effective Awareness Campaign by a Charity. As we've seen by the boom in lemonade-related activities this past year, Alex's fan club is still on a roll; as we saw with #Kony2012, Invisible Children still knows how to make an impact.
The actual awards will be held September 21 and 22 in San Diego, California, so there's a whole summer to gear up and gain momentum -- but nominations close June 14, so you'd better get hustlin' if you wanna see your favorite crew on the ballot. We here on Act are also stoked to announced that we're official media partners with the Stay Classy Awards and we'll be writing about some of the cool nominees in the next few months. For now, read up on the award process to submit a nominee. And though you may be hitting up Stay Classy soon to get some funds behind a project or organization, we'll leave you with these autotuned words of wisdom to live by: