"Transformers: Dark of the Moon" marked the end of an era for the sci-fi action series, in the sense that series lead Shia LaBeouf and the rest of the human cast said goodbye to Optimus Prime for the final time. It's not the end for Michael Bay, however, as the filmmaker is returning to direct the unnamed fourth "Transformers" film — though according to the man himself, that will be his last "Transformers" movie.
The Los Angeles Times' Geoff Boucher spoke with Bay and many others for a profile piece on the new Transformers ride at Universal Studios in California, and there's a brief mention of Bay's plans for the future of the "Transformers" film franchise… specifically, that he does not have any past the fourth film, at least not in the director's seat.
"The director, by the way, says that the fourth film will include some redesign of the robots and an entirely new cast," Boucher writes. "He also said it will be his last and set the franchise up 'for the next guy.'"
It was a bit of a surprise to see Bay return for a fourth "Transformers" film in the first place, so talk of him leaving after this next round isn't exactly a stunner. Then again, we'll have to adopt a bit of the "we'll believe it when we see it" attitude: not only is a director-succession decision presumably far off, but Bay has flirted with walking away before, so…
Still, it's never too early to think about the next person to lead Optimus and the Autobots into battle. Who would you pick to direct the next "Transformers" movie? Let us know in the comments section below or hit us up on Twitter with your picks!