Photo: (ABC Family)
This week on "Pretty Little Liars," it was all about turning up the heat. From reigniting old flames to taking a (not-so) relaxing break in the sauna, it's safe to say Rosewood was burning up this last night.
Remember last week when we suggested Spencer could really benefit from a spa treatment or two? Well this week she attempted to do just that…with predictably disastrous results. The liars can't even take five minutes in a super-fancy shower to relax. Is nothing sacred to the "A" team?!
The season is gearing up for some major moments, which means the girls need some sound guidance more than ever. Here's what happened in Rosewood this week (and our two cents, natch):
+ Spencer Reignites An Old Flame, Gets Burned
Photo: (ABC Family)
In Rosewood: Spencer (Troian Bellisario) finally starts to resemble her old self again when hanging out with former flame, Wren (Julian Morris). Sure, he was involved with her sister first, but Spencer's been having a rough couple of weeks. She puts her problems out of her mind by way of a make-out sesh with the best-looking doctor any of us have seen outside of Seattle Grace. Someone on the "A" team retaliates by locking Spencer in a torture chamber, re-imagined: a shower-turned-sauna-turned-death trap. Clearly, someone wasn't happy with the rekindling of an old flame, and Spencer is the one who got burned.
In Reality: Your ex or current partner is freaking out because you're having contact or getting back together with a former love interest. Sure, you might not be locked in your parents' shower, but someone is turning up the heat -- and in a bad way -- in your life.
What to do: Like we've said before, this situation has bad romance (as in, not the Gaga song) written all over it. Thankfully, Love Is Respect has resources that can help.
+ Emily Has Some (Potential) Competition
Photo: (ABC Family)
In Rosewood: Emily (Shay Mitchell) wants to know why her GF, Paige (Lindsay Shaw), is so invested in tracking down "A" via a lead from a local costume shop. Once there, Emily notices some weird tension between her gurl and a costume shop employee.
In Reality: You think your GF or BF might have feelings for someone else. You'd ignore it, but there was definitely something there.
What to do: We're proud to say that Emily stepped up and did the right thing, even though it wasn't easy. Although we're sure Emily could have agonized over the supposed chemistry between girlfriend Paige and the costume clerk, we're glad Emily decided to get real by asking Paige up front. See? It pays to be direct (in a nice way) and get to the bottom of things as soon as possible.
While "Pretty Little Liars" has a few non-toxic relationships, it's clear the liars aren't always the best judge of character when it comes to getting romantically involved.
And if you're wondering who you can trust or where to turn with questions, find out more at sites like It's Your (Sex) Life and Love Is Respect. Till next week, remember, the drama belongs in Rosewood, not IRL!