On February 21, 67 years ago, a man was born. This man was actor, an actor who could find the perfect way to deliver a line, even if it took twice the normal amount of time to recite it. An actor with a voice that would inspire a legion of imitations and launch thousands of Tumblrs. An icon whose most popular character would take him all the way to the championship of the Harry Potter World Cup.
Yes, today is Alan Rickman's birthday, and we couldn't be happier to celebrate it and all the ways the man behind Severus Snape makes up happy.
This "Oh sh--, I'm falling, but that 'Yippee-Ki-Yay' thing was pretty sweet" Face
He Shot This Guy
His Artistic Side
He Teaches The Hard Lessons
Double Ballin'
Because No One Else Would Have Climbed Out Like This
His Tea Drinking
General Fabulousness
For Making "Galaxy Quest" Great
Because No One Else Accepts A Trophy Like This