After last week's deluge of featurettes, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise that Fox treated us to our first official clip from "Prometheus" today. Titled "Prometheus Has Landed," the clip appropriately shows Prometheus landing on the alien planet where much of the movie takes place.
"Prometheus" might not be a direct "Alien" prequel, but we can certainly see plenty of the former movie's DNA in this new clip. Everything from how the crew behaves on the ship to how they interact with each other is very similar to the way Ripley, Dallas and the crew of Nostromo act. If we ever needed more proof that this is a Ridley Scott film we're dealing with, this clip is it.
The big difference between "Alien" and "Prometheus," though, is that the Nostromo stumbled across another alien species while the crew of the Prometheus is actively seeking one out. That much can be seen in this spoiler-free clip when Logan Marshall-Green's character points the Prometheus' captain, played by Idris Elba, towards a man (or alien)-made structure.
"God does not build in straight lines," he says.
That quote seems to be particularly telling about the movie as a whole. In a new interview, Damon Lindelof said that "Prometheus" will toe the line between scientific and religious beliefs.
"Classic sci-fi, to me, is based on the principle that science has the opportunity to cross a line -- the line is defined by cultural and religious ideas. Should we do this? Are we breaking God's will by doing this? That's sci-fi," he teased about the launching point for "Prometheus." "So the idea of just because we have the technology to create life, should we create life? This is the be careful what you wished for, I shouldn't have crossed that line story, which is what all sci-fi is."
"Prometheus" is due out in theaters on June 8. It stars Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Guy Pearce, Elba, Marshall-Green and Charlize Theron.
What did you think of this first clip from "Prometheus"? Tell us in the comments section below or on Twitter!