By Uptin Saiidi (@uptin)
The group that gifted the world with the viral musical mashup of Charlie Sheen's "Winning" last year and became famous for "auto-tuning the news" is back for more.
This time Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is their latest victim ... or winner, depending on how you look at it.
The group mashed up Romney's best quotes over the past few months on the campaign trail. The song starts off sounding like a rap, where we see the presidential hopeful singing, "What's up gangstas? It's the M.I. double-tizzle." Then he spits off a list of everything he loves, including, but not limited to, lakes, cars, American cars, you, businesses, silly stuff, mandates, grits and, heck, even "Twilight."
Members of the group appear in the video as news reporters and rappers following him everywhere from the MSNBC studios to a living room couch. At one point, member Sarah Fullen Gregor asks, "Do you like iPads? Do you like iPhones? Do you like vampires?" He gives a blank stare.
The Gregory Brothers recently won an a award for best viral original at The Comedy Awards for their song, "Winning."
Seeing Mitt Romney in a rap video might sound absurd, but you might be surprised how similar quotes between a rapper and a Presidential candidate can be. MTV's Clutch compiled quotes from Republican politicians and famous rappers, and while you'd thing who said what would be obvious, you might be surprised. Take the quiz and see for yourself: Who Said It? Republican Politician Or Famous Rapper.