Photo: (Getty Images)
It's Skin Cancer Awareness month, and "tanning mom" Patricia Krentcil is making headlines for her scarily darkened skin. How do your favorite celebs compare? We've rated them on a scale of Edward (1) to Oompa Loompa (10), and asked dermatologist Debra Luftman for a few tips on how to enjoy the sunshine without looking like one of Willy Wonka's orange workers.
+ Florence Welch
Photo: Getty Images
Forget Snow White! Florence Welch is the fairest of them all! Fair skin is particularly sensitive to sunlight; however, those of us with darker skin still have to protect ourselves. When it comes to skin cancer, Dr. Luftman says, "It's a myth that darker skin is immune." Proof: It was sadly skin cancer that lead to Bob Marley's death.
+ Zac Efron
Photo: Getty Images
Remember when Zac Efron wore what looked like layers of bronzer and golden foundation? He has since become a lighter shade of orange and about a hundred times more attractive. When it comes to skin cancer, Dr. Luftman says that spray tans and bronzers are relatively safe. What's really important is that we wear an SPF of at least 30 to protect us from the sun's ultraviolet rays, which -- believe it or not -- can cause skin damage even when it's cloudy out!
+ Kim Kardashian
Even Kim K's cleavage can't distract us from those raccoon eyes! Back in 2009, Kim remembered one handy summertime accessory -- her sunglasses -- but forgot another: her sunscreen. Protect your skin while preventing unsightly tan and sunburn lines by wearing sunscreen during the day. Make sure it's broad-spectrum, meaning it'll protect you from both UVA and UVB rays.
+ Snooki
Photo: Getty Images
A recent Mayo Clinic study shows that eight times more women and four times more men have melanoma than they did four decades ago! This is partially due to the indoor tanning trend, which, according to Dr. Luftman, increases one's risk for skin cancer by a whopping 75%! Snooki recently stopped hitting the tanning beds, which could save her skin and, believe it or not, her girly bits! This year alone, Dr. Luftman has treated THREE patients who contracted herpes from unclean tanning beds! EW!!!!!
+ Valentino (& Victoria Beckham)
Photo: Getty Images
Quick! Someone needs to remind Valentino that he's not a golden raisin! Victoria looks white as snow next to him in spite of the fact that she, too, is verging on Oompa Loompa.
+ Patricia Krentcil
Photo: CBS 2 News
Patricia Krentcil, whose daughter ironically looks like a mini Florence Welch, is giving the Oompa Loompas a serious run for their money. This 44-year-old mother, who is making headlines for her addiction to tanning, isn't even really tanned so much as she is…well…cooked. And she looks so much older than she really is! According to doctor Luftman, excessive sun and indoor tanning can eventually make us look up to 10-15 years older than we really are! Patricia's rating: 1,000,000.
Summer is fast approaching, and while we're making the most of the sunshine, a little sun block will go a loooooong way when it comes to protecting our skin, our youthful good looks, and our……genitals?? Oh, the things you learn on MTV Act!