Despite what childhood television shows taught us (we're looking at you "Winnie the Pooh"), we're acutely aware that animals can't talk back to us. The most Sparky can do is bark when we ask if he wants to go for a walk. Now the movies we watch tell us that animals only talk back when we're under the influence of some substance—as this hilarious, exclusive "High School" clip demonstrates.
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The film follows two high school friends—Henry is college bound while Travis spends most of his time getting high. When Henry decides to try marijuana for the first time, his experimental use of the drug coincides with the principal's decision to issue a mandatory drug test.
In a genius (or not) plan to get Henry off the hook, Travis comes up with the idea to make the whole school fail by switching the school bake sale brownies with special brownies. Hilarity is sure to ensue as the duo attempts to steal a dealer's stash of pot and the school ends up in a drug-induced fever dream.
The former is shown in this exclusive clip. As Henry attempts to return Psycho Ed's (Adrian Brody) keys, Travis tries to distract the dealer from what's going on behind him. In a scene that consists mostly of the word "what," Ed's pet frog begins his own questioning as Brody's eyes pop out of his head. After seeing the actor's Stella Artois beer commercials, the cornrows, tattoos and hefty beard are definitely a new look for the usually clean cut man.
What did you think of the exclusive clip? Let us know in the comments and on Twitter!