Photo: (Fernie Castillo / El Paso Times)
Mitchell Marcus is the team manager of his high school basketball team, the Coronado Thunderbirds. A developmental disability had kept him on the sidelines for years — until recently, when his teammates, his coach and one exceptional opponent helped Mitchell redefine victory on the court.
With the clock ticking down, coach Peter Morales decided it was high time Mitchell suit up and enjoy "his moment in time," even if it meant losing the game. It seems that coach Morales wasn't the only one who knew that winning meant more than points on the board that night. What follows brought the crowd to their feet. Watch the video in all it's beautiful glory below. It's worth waiting for after the commercial. Trust!
+ Watch "Act of Sportsmanship Gives Texas high schooler shot at glory."
The most basic philosophy moved Jonathan Montanez to make his choice: treat others as you'd want to be treated. Simple, yes? But game-changing, nonetheless.
Incidentally, CBS seems to have a good eye for tear-jerking, heartwarming basketball victories.
Remember the story of Jason McElwain, the autistic team manager from Rochester, New York? From waterboy to wunderkind, McElwain proved he was "hot as a pistol" when coach put him in the game. "I just caught fire," he says in the video below. All thanks to a team that plays to win.
We hope these random acts of kindness on the basketball court catches fire a la The Harlem Shake. Who knows maybe we'll see a bunch of YouTube videos popping up with the same message: Treat others like you want to be treated. Karma can be so damn sweet sometimes!