"The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" and its new take on the "Riddles in the Dark" scene raise an interesting question many fans have not considered when it comes to the prequel trilogy. Could Ian Holm go the way of Sebastian Shaw in "Return of the Jedi"?
Let us explain for a second. "Riddles in the Dark" is just the first example of a redundancy between "The Hobbit" trilogy and "The Lord of the Rings," and with the potential for more doubling-up on specific scenes, would Peter Jackson ever consider re-editing his original trilogy to create consistency?
MTV News' Josh Horowitz caught up with Jackson to find out.
Thankfully for fans of "The Lord of the Rings," it doesn't sound like Jackson wants to pull a Lucas any time soon.
"That's a bit of a dilemma, because Ian Holm is so integrating in with 'The Fellowship of the Ring,'" Jackson said. "Obviously, he is as the older Bilbo, but you're talking about the flashbacks when he's the younger Bilbo finding the ring during the prologue in 'Fellowship.' That would require a whole new edition of 'Fellowship' to be done, which certainly isn't on the table at the moment."
"The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" opens on Friday.