Photo: (Ebay)
Do you need some new clothes? Are you a fan of Liz Lee? Do you want to support the American Cancer Society? Gurl, me too!
Liz Lee has started her own eBay store, The Grays, that's selling all kinds of totally nifty clothes -- and a portion of the proceeds go straight on over to the American Cancer Society. MTV Style naturally had to get in on this clothing-centered story (with exclusive .gifs!), and Liz Retweeted their Tweet about all this eBay goodness:
<333 RT @mtvstyle: *ATTENTION* @mylifeasliz_liz is selling her AMAZING clothes on eBay for charity! -MD
— Liz lee (@MyLifeAsLiz_Liz) October 1, 2012
Liz admitted that she's got more than enough clothing: "I'm sort of a mild hoarder (ESPECIALLY in the clothes department)." So this really is a win-win-win situation. Liz cleans out her closet, YOU get to wear stylish clothes that Liz (gasp) once wore, and some of the money goes to a super good cause.
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month, and while Liz's proceeds aren't going specifically toward breast cancer, it couldn't be more perfect time to join the fight against cancer. (Liz is actually doing this in honor of her grandpa, Ron Trego.) It's not every day you get to buy clothes that (1) belonged to a celeb and (2) make a difference, so go through Liz's closet by taking action below!