Photo: (Getty Images/MTV)
7 million students miss a month or more of school each year -- that's more than the number of students in the state California! And those who miss 10 or more days are 20% less likely to graduate high school. Taylor Swift, Carly Rae Jepsen and MTV's own Sway Calloway have taken note and want to give you a chance to win the COOLEST signed swag for school if you tweet #IGetSchooledBecause.
Get Schooled's latest research on student attendance has some very shocking stats we should all be aware of -- but for the next week, what we reallyyy want to know are all the reasons you do show up to school. One of you will win a MTV tote bag signed by Carly Rae Jepsen, MTV notebook signed by Taylor Swift and LSTN headphones signed by Sway!
Here's how. On Twitter -- follow us @MTVact and Tweet "#IGetSchooledBecause [YOUR RESPONSE] Rules:" by Friday, October 5 at 11:59pm ET, and you're entered to win!
Or... WE'VE MADE IT EASY FOR YOU: Just click 'Act' and take action on both items below!
We'll be Retweeting them all week long, but only ONE will win. Need some inspiration? Check out these tips on graduating from Get Schooled! For complete details, visit our contest rules page.