Photo: (ABC)
Okkkk guys we've had this talk before but apparently some people still aren't getting why certain Halloween costumes are better left at home. I can't scroll through my Facebook news-feed without being taunted by somebody duck facing in a sexy Mrs. Potato Head costume (thanks for the nightmares, Katie)!!
So we are refreshing our guide to help you navigate this extremely confusing, and at times cringe-worthy season. When in doubt- just say no (except when it comes to pants).
+ Sexy _____
Please just don't. Sexy Hulk Hogan is not supposed to exist in nature. Neither is Sexy Hamburger, Sexy Teletubby, or Sexy Octopus. THESE CANNOT BE UNSEEN. STOP THE MADNESS. Having the self-confidence to rock a creative costume that won't get you arrested for indecent exposure is sexy enough. Trust me.
+ Any Identity that is not Your Own
Um. No. You might not immediately see the harm in wearing a feather headdress or turban, or whatever item from a culture that is not your own that appeals to you. The thing is-- these items are not costumes to some people--they are culturally and (sometimes) religiously significant. Donning them for one night out of the year for funsies is pretty disrespectful and hurtful. If you want to read more about cultural appreciation v.s. appropriation, check out Beyond Buckskin (they have an awesome boutique as well!).
+ Pimps/Hos
Serious side-eye. In case you haven't heard, the day to day realities of women in prostitution are anything but sexy. We know Halloween is the one day a year to dress crazy, but for some women this isn't a costume they get to take off at the end of the night. Pimps exploit girls as young as 12 and force them to have sex with multiple men daily. All of the sudden this doesn't seem like that great of a costume, huh?
Alright, that wraps up this year's Halloween guide. I HOPE to not have to see you guys again next year so please, take this advice to heart and refrain from all of the above. Otherwise I might have to jump out of the bushes and throw a bumble bee costume on you.