Photo: (Getty Images)
There's still time to take part in Neutrogena's Wave for Change program! The summer do-good fest is going on until August 31, and spokesperson Emma Roberts gave us a friendly reminder of the cool program.
Ms. Roberts, who's currently starring in the new movie "Celeste and Jesse Forever," Tweeted:
Help me support U.S. educational charities before #neutrogena #waveforchange ends!All you have to do is watch bit.ly/NImvjr Xo
— Emma Roberts (@RobertsEmma) August 28, 2012
Emma's been a spokesperson for the program, along with Hayden Panettiere and Miranda Cosgrove, and since it's about education, now's the perf time to help out. And it's super easy! All you have to do is watch a video. Seriously.
Neutrogena's made a Wave for Change video, and every time it gets watched, one dollar is given to Global Giving. Global Giving will then use the funds for important educational charities. They're hoping to raise $250,000 and there are only a few days left to reach that goal. So far only about half the goal has been met, so if you and your friends can do some charitable video-watching over the next few days, power to you!
As you're headed back to school, you can take Emma's lead and help other kids with their education. Watch the video and take action below for more ways to give back in your area!
+ WATCH: Neutrogena's Wave for Change video. Every view = $1 for Global Giving!