Photo: (Getty)
The verdict of the George Zimmerman trial is in, and Zimmerman has been found "not guilty" in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. However you feel about the verdict, there are ways you can take action to prevent another tragedy like this from happening.
+ Trayvon Martin Foundation
The Trayvon Martin Foundation was created by Trayvon's parents, Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, and it's about spreading awareness on what violent crimes do to the families affected. It helps families hurt by violent crimes and teaching young people how to solve issues without ever resorting to violence. Donations made here go to further this mission; money donated does not go to any court costs. You can also donate $10 by texting TMF to 50555. On top of that, you can shop at the foundation's online store to keep Trayvon's memory alive.
+ Fight Gun Violence
You can also get involved in the issue of gun violence. No matter how you feel about it, it's important to be educated on the matter. Once you're informed on what's going on in your state in terms of gun laws, you can write to your representatives to let them know if you agree or disagree. You can also get involved in groups that are working to bring down gun violence. Emotions are running high after hearing the verdict, and it's important to remember Trayvon Martin and others lost too soon, and to work together for the future.