Photo: (Getty Images)
In every presidential election, there are blue states and red states, but many "swing voters" are still deciding whether they want to be on Team Obama or Team Romney. "Jersey Shore"'s Snooki doesn't say much about politics, but the Republican nominee and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney seems to think she's a swing vote he might be able to get.
In a recent interview, Romney got all into MTV and pop culture."I'm kind of a Snooki fan," he said. "Look how tiny's she's gotten. She's lost weight. She's energetic. Just her spark-plug personality is kind of fun."
While Snooki was part of a MTV Power of 12 + Funny or Die video about voting, usually the words "Snooki" and "politics" don't go in the same sentence. In the past she did say, "To be honest with you, I'm not really a Republican or a Democrat. I actually signed up as an independent, just because I don't want to pick any side and also I don't really know a lot about politics. I only know politics about, like, you know, tanning and being a Guidette."
So can Romney talk tanning to schmooze with Snooki? While he's a fan of Snooki, it's not clear if Snooki is a fan of Romney. Whichever way Snooki is going to go this November, the important thing is for YOU to be educated on the matters and for YOU to get out and vote!
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